Garden Conversation. Digital film. 2014

Garden Conversation. Digital film. 2014. 18'.
Garden Conversation. Digital film. 2014. 18'.
Garden Conversation. Digital film. 2014. 18'.
Garden Conversation. Digital film. 2014. 18'.

Produced within the framework of the Abraaj Art Prize, 2014, Garden Conversation takes as a departure point an historical fact reported by many accounts, but that has not been documented: the meeting in January 1959 at the Embassy of Morocco in Cairo of Ernesto Guevara and the old exiled Moroccan hero of the Rif War (1921-1926 ), Abdelkrim Al Khattabi (b. Ajdir, Northern Morocco, 1882 ; Cairo,1963). A precursor of independence struggle, Al Khattabi fought two colonial armies (France and Spain), inventing and experimenting modern methods of anti-colonial warfare that inspired many movements of liberation’s leaders such as Ho Chi Minh and Ernesto Guevara.

In the aftermaths of the Arab Spring, Khalili examine a hypothesis in the form of a poetic meditation: what the ghosts of Guevara and Khattabi would tell to each other if they were meeting today? Proceeding to a series of displacements in terms of history, geography, gender, and language, Garden Conversation aims to suggest a reflection on the modes of resonance of history, showing ghosts of flesh and blood, determinated to haunt the present-time.